
Our Climate is Changing!
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Mitras and Peepal's Global warming rally

Peepal and Mitra celebrate Independence Day with a Global Warming Awareness rally.

Pune, 15th August, 2007 : Peepal foundation along with their project partners Mitra Foundation organized a rally of over 1000 students and senior citizens in Pune on Wednesday in Yerwada, to raise awareness on global warming, impacts of climate change and the role of renewable energy in ensuring a safe and clean future.

Students from various schools and senior citizens associated with Peepal foundation took to the streets with banners, posters and placards depicting global warming and its impacts and tips on conserving electricity, as well as a demand to switch to renewable energy sources instead of climate killing coal powered plants.

“The planet is facing a grave threat from global warming. India is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, already northern India is reeling under terrible floods, resulting in a massive human tragedy, displacing millions of people and destroying property and agricultural land worth billions of rupees. More floods, water scarcity, food shortages and a rise in diseases is predicted in the next decade by UN scientists. We have to take individual and collective action to stop this phenomenon, and students and senior citizens associated with our groups are taking the first step by raising awareness on the issues.” Said Vineet Kharat, Chairman Peepal Foundation on the occasion.

“Conservation of electricity, buying energy efficient appliances, using solar water heaters and solar home lighting are some of the more simpler and cheaper options that every individual and household can take to contribute to fight against global warming. Buying locally grown food, car-pools, using public transport, reducing wasteful consumption and reducing your carbon footprint are some other individual actions that will contribute greatly to ensuring a sustainable future.” said Adarsh Vansay, Program coordinator of Mitra foundation.

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