
Our Climate is Changing!
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Calls for Carbon Neutral Campus Program 2008-2009

Mitra Foundation is proud to announce the opening of two Solar Study Centers in remote off-grid villages of Maharashtra, hosting a series of climate change awareness events in Tamilnadu and most importantly facilitating installation of about 5 kW of renewable energy at a residential school in Karnataka in the first year of our Carbon Neutral Campus program.

Mitra foundation invites schools and educational institutions in Pune, Chennai and Bangalore for registration for 2008-2009 Carbon Neutral Campus program by July 5, 2008.

Two modules of informative and experiment based programs have been specially developed in line with the syllabus for classes IX and XI. We have already reached over 600 students at five institutions with the aid of audiovisual presentations and field visits to renewable energy park.

The 2008-09 program includes a non-power point presentation, field visits to renewable energy production facilities or parks, energy audits at campuses and recommendation to institutions for collective measures for reducing a campus’s carbon footprint.

We also develop special programs in consultation with school faculties on Climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency for specific syllabus or program requirement of students.

Deadline for applications : 5 July 2008.

Contact : choices@mitrafoundation.org